Hiring software engineers is hard for tech hiring managers because there aren’t many people with the right skills. There are also a lot of hiring managers who think that a lack of soft skills or workplace competencies is a big problem.
1.Tough competition from other businesses
Obviously, every company wants to hire the best people. Finding great people is hard, so companies will always be in a lot of competition with each other. Adding big tech companies to this fight makes it hard for smaller companies to consistently hire good people.
Geography can also play a big role in this. It’s interesting to talk about the case of InVision, a design software company where everyone works from home. When they were first starting out, it was hard to hire new developers because there were not many talented developers in New York. Even worse, Google’s new office in Manhattan had just opened around the same time. This made it almost impossible for InVision to build a good team in New York in the end.
2. Untrustworthy Candidates
When considering hiring a software developer, you can’t always assume anything. Take the way you talk to candidates as an example. But some will even use your offer to get a better one from somewhere else. Putting aside the morality of this kind of behavior, there’s nothing you can do to stop it. This makes it less likely that someone who gets an offer will actually join the team. When this happens, it’s hard for startups to keep using all of their resources to follow up on multiple leads for the same job.
3. Possessing Evaluation Skills
Another common and often-overlooked problem with tech hiring is that the people already on the team don’t have the right skills and experience in tech. When it comes to judging developers, you need to know a lot about tech, and if you don’t, standards often get lowered.
Even in big companies, HR departments might not have the technical skills needed to evaluate developers, so they often fall back on simple keyword matching. A bad hire is a clear result, which then leads to lost opportunities.
4. A small internal tech team’s bandwidth
To solve problems with tech hiring, like a lack of technical skills on the hiring team, other developers who work for the company might have to help with the evaluation process. Because of this, real product development takes longer than it should. Considering how important a developer’s time is to the growth of a startup, this is a hard choice to make.
Get Past Hiring Obstacles at Your Startup
Using this as an example, she explains how to improve the hiring process by using techniques that increase conversion rates:
1.Take care of traffic quality
Set up ways to track, manage, and balance the applications that come in from different channels. This will help you figure out what’s working and what’s not so you can improve your conversion rates.
In the same way, when looking for developers and asking for applications, one needs to make sure that high-quality applicants come in. This means that the percentage of good developers should stay as close to 100% as possible. The hiring process will take less time if you use a good applicant tracking system (ATS) to make things run more smoothly.
2. Pay attention to small changes
Watch and measure how many customers drop out of the conversion funnel at each step. When hiring, it’s also important to keep track of how well each step of the interview process works. Use this information to figure out where your applicants are dropping off, where they are most likely to be rejected, etc. This will help you improve your hiring process and get rid of any bottlenecks, which will boost your conversion rates.
3. Smart Communication of Your Compensation Offer
Early on in the hiring process, find out what a candidate wants in terms of pay. This can help you find candidates whose expectations are too high. The time that would be spent on these kinds of candidates could be used to find better ones. Helping a candidate break down their expectations and work with them to come up with a realistic number is a good way to do this. Companies that act desperate can sometimes cause candidates to have expectations that are too high. You need to be sure of yourself enough to walk away from a candidate who won’t budge.
4. Maintain Candidate Interest
It is very important that chosen candidates don’t back out at the last minute. Keeping in touch with them until they join the company is a great way to make sure of this. Some ways to get their attention are:
- Getting them to come in and encounter the other employees of the company
- You could suggest that they go to any All-Hands meetings, Town Halls, or other gatherings
- looking into the possibility of buying out their notice
- giving a sign-up bonus only to those who join by a certain date
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