Hiring is a well-established practice. From hiring a housekeeper to hiring an architect for a home renovation to formal workplace hiring, most of us have encountered a variety of hiring situations. What has changed in recent years to necessitate a significant overhaul of the formal hiring process as it exists today?
A change that was already brewing beneath the surface has been accelerated by the pandemic. Numerous organizations are grasping at straws as a result of location-independent employment, non-traditional talent pools and freelancers, and a significant shift in candidates’ expectations. 59% of candidates, according to a recent Gartner survey, would leave a 10% higher-paying job for one with a better work-life balance. This reprioritization is evident in the conversations candidates are having as they evaluate potential employers. Significantly influencing offer acceptance decisions are factors like personal time, meaningful work, greater flexibility, and similar factors.
The other significant change is the addition of diversity to the mix. Historically, hiring has been understood to have two primary objectives: hire the most qualified candidate and fill the position as quickly as possible. Recruiters and hiring managers had found a rhythm in balancing these two tasks when a third objective, the hiring of diverse candidates, threw them off.
Even if hiring diverse talent is not a stated objective, the talent pool is diverse by default, and hiring from a diverse talent pool requires an entirely different mentality and strategy. Hiring methods that were effective for relatively homogeneous groups in the past are proving ineffective for diverse talent pools. Many of these could easily be considered discriminatory.
Here are five ways that hiring is being reinvented to remain relevant in the modern context:
(1)An attractive employer value proposition: Whether we’re purchasing a new smartphone or selecting a vacation destination, reviews are crucial! Similarly, when candidates decide to apply or join an organization, they examine networks and Glassdoor reviews to determine the experience of current employees. They want to know if the organization has policies that promote diversity. Organizations must continually exert effort to position themselves as a diversity-friendly and inclusive workplace in order to solidify their position as an employer of choice for the highly diverse talent pool that exists today.
(2)From equal opportunity to employment equity: The majority of companies now have a stated position on equal opportunity, but this may not be sufficient. Employment equity would ensure that jobs are posted in a WCAG-compliant manner that allows access to those with visual impairment or that the job is open to reasonable accommodation. A company may state that their jobs are open to all applicants, including those with disabilities, which is an equal opportunity statement. To be able to hire the best candidates from a pool of diverse candidates, companies must take deliberate steps toward a fair and equitable hiring process.
(3)From cultural-fit to cultural-add: “Cultural compatibility is a standard criterion on interview evaluation sheets. It typically indicates that all other aspects of the candidate are satisfactory and that they are likely to fit in. This can create a barrier for candidates from diverse backgrounds. We must shift from a “blend in” mentality to a “synergy” mentality, in which people who are different can maintain their individuality. While candidates must be evaluated based on their alignment with the company’s values, fit is not necessarily a factor. Organizations must remain receptive to people whose diverse ways will enrich the culture.
(4)Incapacitated and endemic bias: The most susceptible to unconscious and systemic bias is the hiring process. Organizations are discovering ways to limit both human and systemic bias. The former issue is being addressed by educating recruiters and hiring managers about the effects of bias and by ensuring the diversity of hiring panels. Taking a look at position description, hiring criteria, sources of talent, etc.
(5)Hiring for Potential as opposed to Experience: Moving away from traditional criteria such as qualification, formal experience, etc. is a major shift in order to tap into the larger talent pool, which includes non-traditional talent. The hiring criteria and meritocracy standards were developed with a traditional (and practical) hire in mind. If organizations wish to transition from hiring based on experience alone to hiring based on potential, this will need to be revised.
Read more: The Secrets to Finding Top Seasonal Hiring